1. Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases in their correct form to complete the sentences.

Рабочая тетрадь Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина - Module 3. 3d - 1

1. This painting is a collection of individual images put together to form a new picture.
2. Of course the circles in the picture aren`t moving! Your eyes are playing tricks on you!
3. Children`s stories teach young children important lessons about life and the world around them.
4. Patrick thinks that slipping on a banana peel and falling down is funny, but I fail to see the humour in the situation.
5. Janet is having lots of fun with her new toys; she hasn`t stopped playing all morning!
6. The artist has used natural shades of blue and green to paint this country scence.
2. Fill in: in, at, about.

1. I don`t think we should talk about this anymore.
2. You many think that Sophie is distant and arrogant but in reality, she`s just shy.
3. Yhey`ll never agree on this; just see things in a completely different way.
4. Stop staring at people! It`s very rude.
5. There`s nice cafe at the end of the street, do you want to go and grab a cup of coffee?
6. She didn`t recognise me at first, but when I told her my name she remembered who I was.
7. Chris has taken care of everything, there`s nothing to worry about.
3. Underline the correct item.

1. A: Do you think this painting is an original?
B: No, it can`t be. The original is in a museum in Paris.

2. A: Are you coming to the art museum with as?
B: I may come. I haven`t decided yet.

3. A: Is that an oil painting?
B: It must be. That artist only worked with oil.

4. A: Did the artist Claude Monet and Pierre-Auguste Renoir ever meet?
B: They must have. Renoir painted a portrait of Monet in 1875.

5. A: Is that portrait of a man or woman?
B: I`m not sure, I think it may be of a man.
4. Correct the sentences. Use: a fantasy, minds, process, a shadow, illusions.

1. Optical illusions can force the eyes to see things in a different way.
2. Wherever Tommy goes, his puppy follows like a shadow.
3. Albert Einstein was certainly one of the finest minds of modern science.
4. Jason believes his painting will fetch 20,000 euros. He really lives in a fantasy.
5. Discovering new tings and developing critical thinking are part of the learning process.

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