1. Match the words in the two columns. Then use the phrases to complete the sentences.

Рабочая тетрадь Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина - Module 8. 8d - 1

1. It was really difficult for the hikers to find their way through the thick vegetation of the forest.
2. A sting from a poisonous insect caused Jim to suffer a serious allergic reaction.
3. Survivors from the shipwreck were found on a remote island of the coast of Australia.
4. You need to put some antiseptic cream on that cut, to prevent a possible infection.
5. Climbing that steep hillside was a real challenge for William; he felt exhausted from the effort.
2. Fill in: insect repellent, pen knife, warm clothes, map, sunscreen, first and kit, rucksack.

Dear Katie,
I thought I`d send you a quick email to remind you what to take n our hike this weekend!
First, it may get cold, so make sure you take some warm clothes. I know your rucksack is quite small, so if you don`t have enough space, you can put some things in mine. I will bring the first and kit in case we have any small accidents, but can you bring the insect repellent, as there will probably be a lot of mosquitoes at night. Oh, yes, please take some sunscreen, too, so you don`t get burnt. Don`t forget to bring a pen knife too, as they come in handy for all sorts of thins. My father`s bringing a map of the area, so we won`t get lost!
Well, see you tomorrow. I can`t wait.
3. Fill in the appropriate question tag.

1. It won`t hurt, will it?
2. Let`s take an umbrella, shall we?
3. You brought the compass, didn`t you?
4. The weather is terrible, isn`t it?
5. George hasn`t left for his trip yet, has he?
6. They`re cold, aren`t they?
7. Don`t forget to bring the camera, will you?
8. You don`t have an extra sleeping bag, do you?
4. Match the idioms in column A to their definitions in column B. Then use them in the correct form to complete the exchanges.

Рабочая тетрадь Spotlight 9 класс Ваулина - Module 8. 8d - 2

1. A: We can drive past Sam`s place on our way to the doctor`s, so we can drop off this sleeping bag.
B: Good idea. We`ll be killing two birds with one stone!

2. A: Ollie thinks this path is the quickest way out of the forest.
B: No way! Tell him he`s barking up the wrong tree!

3. A: Nathan`s found out we are buying him a bike for his birthday.
B: I`m sure it was Janet who let the cat out of the bag.

4. A: Isabelle really has a bee in her bonnet.
B: I know. That`s all she ever talks about.

5. A: Don`t worry about skydiving, just take the bull by the horns.
B: That`s easy for you to say! You`ve done it dozens of times before.

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